Thursday, August 21, 2014

Favorite Photoshop Tool

Although this was my first time extensively using Photoshop, I learned a lot in the few class periods that we had. I had two specific tools that I thought were really cool in Photoshop. 
The first one was the Magic Eraser Tool. When I first discovered it, I was so happy because it did a really good job of cropping objects almost perfectly. Because this was one of my first instances using Photoshop, my hand was not steady and I was not good at cropping out objects. This tool was super helpful and helped me learn how to crop objects on my own even better later on. 
The second tool that I really liked was the Healing Brush Tool. Especially when I was editing pictures of myself, it was really neat to be able to edit my face and make those blemishes basically disappear. Even when it wasn't pictures of myself, editing blemishes on other people's faces was really cool. Although it was a little challenging at first because I had to get the hang of the tool, once I mastered it, I really liked it. 
I know that I will be able to take what I learned this August Term and apply it to my fall IMED class, and that will be really beneficial.

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